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Maxim Lanin

Load Your JavaScript Library Asynchronously

Posted in JavaScript, HTML5

Lets imagine, we have a common page:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src="app.js"></script>
      App.init('greeting', 'Hello, John Doe!');
    <h1 id="greeting"></h1>

With javascript library included:

// app.js
var App = {
   * Handle already registered actions.
   * @param  {String} id   Element ID
   * @param  {String} name User's name
  init: function (id, name) {

When your browser loads this page, first of all it will load and execute your included script, fire init method and then show you the hello message. As you can see, script loading blocks your page, but we want to show it as quickly as possible!

I think I didn’t tell you anything new and you already know, that it is always better to place such script tags to the very bottom of the body tag.

But what if I tell you that today it is not the only option?

Async way

HTML5 brings us a new async attribute for the script tag. If browser sees this attribute, it will try to load your js file in async way.

In our example we can do it like this:

<script src="app.js" async="async"></script>

Now browser will show page and load our script at the same time. Even if we will add more scripts with async attribute, they will be loaded together asynchronously.

The main point in this paragraph is that page shows instantly. So if there is any additional scripts that uses your app.js, they may throw an error. Because they can be loaded before app.js itself. That’s why App.init() method in the first example will throw an error that it cannot be found.


But what if I tell you that there is a solution that allows us not only to load our script asynchronously but call any actions in it without worrying if our script is already loaded.

Besides, I want to mention that practically all counters and analytic scripts nowadays are made using this approach.

Approach is very easy. We need to check if our app is already loaded, then use it. If not, save all reference history to handle it after script is finally received by browser.

First lets update our script block that inits the App:

var App = App || [];
App.push(['init', 'greeting', 'Hello, John Doe!']);

First line here checks if there is any App already registered. If not, assign new empty array to it. Then push new array, where #0 element in it is a method name, others are its arguments we want to pass.

Now we need to update app.js to handle array’s push method and handle history.

if (typeof App !== 'undefined') {
  var registeredActions = App

var App = {
   * Handle already registered actions.
   * @param  {String} id   Element ID
   * @param  {String} text Text to show
  init: function (id, text) {
    document.getElementById(id).innerHTML = text;

   * Implement array's push method to handle push calls.
   * @param  {Array|Function} item Method call. [method_name, args...]
  push: function (item) {
    if (typeof item === 'function') {
    } else {
      var functionName = item.shift()
      App[functionName].apply(null, item)

   * Handle already registered actions.
   * @param  {Array} array History of calls
  _processHistory: function (array) {
    for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {

if (typeof registeredActions !== 'undefined') {

First we check if there was already App var registered. If it was, then saves them to registeredActions var.

Then there is App itself with 2 extra methods:

  • push implements array’s push calls;
  • _processHistory handles calls history.

At last we check if there is saved history process it.


You can successfully use this technique to speed up loading of your applications.

Also it helps you to provide non-blocking js scripts, to include on your customers sites (if you made one more counter, for example ;))

All examples can be found on